Горячая вакансия в GlobalLogic: Junior Network Test Engineer, Integration engineer (often business trips), Site Reliability Engineer (Junior Software Engineer, Deployment engineer, Senior Network Engineer, Middle Automation QA engineer, Integration engineer (shifts))

Горячая вакансия в GlobalLogic: Junior Network Test Engineer

Горячая вакансия Junior Network Test Engineer! В компанию “GlobalLogic”, которая входит в ТОП-3 ИТ-компаний Украины 2021 года, нужны специалисты на должность Junior Network Test Engineer. Вакансия актуальная для следующих городов: Киев, Харьков, Львов, Николаев.

Подробнее о компании узнайте здесь.

Подробное описание вакансии читайте ниже.

Описание проекта

The product is Residential Gateways software deployed in million quantities around the globe in different devices. For more than 5 years GlobalLogic team of 40+ engineers develops new models and maintains an installed base. Details about our expertise available here: https://www.globallogic.com/ua/key-projects/wi-fi-routers/

  • Knowledge of TCP/IP communication, networks, protocols, OSI model understanding;
  • Understanding on how the Internet works from the perspective of protocols and basic routing, address translation;
  • Experience in Linux/Unix administration, services configuration, networks administration and configuration;
  • Good written and spoken English;
  • Basic scripting skills (bash with googling will be ok);
  • Basic testing knowledge.
  • Experience in testing;
  • Experience in usage/configuration of VoIP(SIP), WiFi equipment;
  • Basic programming understanding skills;
  • VoIP, WiFi, Python, JIRA.

As per the role of Junior Network Test Engineer successful candidate will be involved in:

  • Functional, non-functional, stress, stability, and regression testing, writing test reports by using existing testing base.
  • Technical specification analysis, technical requirements review, creating the test cases.
  • Creating an environment for the testing process, doing fixes verifications.
Что предлагает компания

Exciting Projects: Come take your place at the forefront of digital transformation! With clients across all industries and sectors, we offer an opportunity to participate in creating market-defining products using the latest technologies.

Collaborative Environment: Expand your skills by collaborating with a diverse team of highly talented people in an open, laidback environment — or even abroad in one of our global centers or client facilities!

Work-Life Balance: GlobalLogic prioritizes work-life balance, which is why we offer flexible opportunities and options.

Professional Development: Our dedicated Learning & Development team regularly organizes certification and technical / soft skill training to help you realize your professional goals.

Excellent Benefits: We provide our consultants with competitive compensation and benefits

Fun Perks: We want you to love where you work, which is why we host sports classes, cultural, social and team building activities such as sports competitions and end-of-year corporate parties. Our vibrant offices also include dedicated GL Zones and rooftop decks where you can drink coffee or tea with your colleagues over a game of table football or darts!


По всем вопросам касательно этой вакансии и для записи на собеседование обращайтесь к Андрею Полянице.

Отправляйте резюме на почту andyssey@gmail.com (в копию обязательно поставьте info@edu-cisco.org).

Предварительно внимательно прочитайте описание вакансии! Но помните, что в вакансии описаны требования к идеальному кандидату, тогда как рекрутеры готовы рассматривать всех кандидатов. Предпочтения отдают кандидатам, которые имеют знания в следующих областях: сетевые технологии и Linux, основы программирования на Python и Linux.


Команда SEDICOMM University: Академия Cisco, Linux Professional Institute, Python Institute.